Given the current situation of the CORVID 19 the world is turned on its head. Hardcore travelers and adventure seekers alike have put their next vacations on hold, or at least thinking about it. Some are self-initiated and other government-imposed. Either way, the travel industry will be slowing down, giving everyone, no more excuses for a good spring cleaning at home.
For those who are spending their internet time at home browsing their computers for their next dream escape, Laluna has updated the Booking Cancellation policy. This makes it easier for one to book with optimism but, if unable make it to Grenada, easier to cancel, making it easier to choose Laluna. Giving you the flexibility to make and change holiday plans. Check out Laluna’s new booking and cancellation policy.
Our facilities are still open, including our open-air Italian restaurant on the beach. Fewer and more spaced out tables with in-depth cleaning between sittings, all in an attempt to make our diners feel relaxed in this beautiful environment. We will not be seating tables larger than 8 persons. Fewer tables mean a reservation is highly recommended, in order to make sure you enjoy your dining experience with us.
In another attempt to keep our ‘Social Distancing’ in check, the daily yoga classes in our open-air yoga pavilion on the beach, we will be accepting fewer persons. So once again, if you are our inhouse guest, or off property yogi, please make sure you save your space for each class, with the front desk. For our daily yoga schedule.
Our Day Pass is still offered. A limited quantity will available on any given day, to ensure that there is no ‘crowding’ at Laluna. Once again reservations highly recommended, contact our front office for availability before you arrive at Laluna. , tel 473-439-0001 or WhatsApp: +473-415-0083. Details on our Day Pass
Yes, we are planning ahead and being optimistic about the future.
We hope that all of our family, friends, and fans stay safe and wish you all the best of health.